

Oh I had such a great idea about capturing todays theme – Clouds. But alas, my old enemy Rain decided to spoil the party. I was feeling pretty down – which is common for me when it rains, I really couldn’t live in England I would have severe depression I think!  – and talking with some other Documenting Delight’ers in our Facebook group who were sharing my feelings of lacklustre inspiraton when….

Hannah walks in to the room with this white fluffy bit of washing detergent bubbles stuck to the top of her head like a little cloud! I had to laugh. It was like a sign from above to make me realise that I needed to invest more into this project and that it was worthwhile.

I have been thinking a lot about what my children will feel when they are old enough to read the photobook that I am planning to make and see the delight I have documented. I have realised that very few photos so far feature me, their mama, the person who has dedicated all this time and effort and lost sleep and sacrificed so much to do this project.

So I thought there’s no better time than right now and took a few pics with myself and my babies.

I hope they appreciate it.

About hippyhappymama

I am a wife and a mama to 3 delicious children, Hannah (31-08-2008), Blake (12-10-2010) and Daisy (11/08/2013). I am in love with my family, writing, photography, travel, and all things related to active birth and natural parenting.

15 responses »

      • You have inspired me to take more photos of S and I together for this project, perhaps even a few family photos wouldn’t go astray! Tim and I both hate photos of ourselves, but I think its time we made an exception.

        You are doing an amazing job!

  1. So lovely to see YOU in the photos. I agree, we are often unfeatured in our photos/photo albums. While capturing our families memories is really important, our kids need to see who we were as their lives are tracked. I have been thinking about this too and wondering how to get myself involved in the photos. Might have to work a little harder on this area – thanks for the reminder.

    Love all these photos today Andi 🙂

  2. Gorgeous Andi! See, if you’d done this earlier, I wouldn’t have been so confused when I met you :p Are you sure you’re not really blonde under there?! hahaha

    I love the love they are both pouring out in the last photo, it is so obvious they are totally smitten with you.

    I have no doubt they’ll appreciate it… and so will your future self 🙂 totally worth it, eh?

    • haha, yeah, definately not blonde. I had my hair cut yesterday actually (I will post a photo, dont worry 🙂 and the hairdresser couldnt believe I didnt colour my hair… I was like, “There would be no point, unless I decided to go even darker which is just… pointless.” lol

      Yep, a bit scary to come out of my comfort zone behind the camera, but worth it :).

  3. YES! This is what we should all be doing! It’s so super important. I think the kids are going to grow up so happy that we’ve captured this part of their lives but I think rather than seeing pictures of themselves looking cute they would want to see pictures of relationships. Someone else posted a day of pictures of themselves and I promised I would do that same. I chickened out but you’ve inspired me to do it tomorrow. Yikes!

  4. We must be on the same wave length. I was thinking more about my boys growing up and how they would see their mother and be well rounded men that help in the kitchen and laundry lol 🙂 LOVE the photos with you in them..

  5. YES! wonderful to see your gorgeous face! And I so agree – mothers are the centre of the home and its so important to see them documented in the photos too! Great idea to include yourself. I know when someone snaps a pic of me with my kids, Im often shocked to see them – we are part of that interaction constantly but rarely get to see it from the outside – its so beautiful though to see it and have it recorded. Your kids will love to see it too, after all this will be the very core of their memories! xx

I love to hear your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment :)